

  1. Congratulations and you can do it! We know, on February 14, 1983 we had identical boy triplets. Nancy and I both met at Ohio State. They were born in Sandusky, Ohio. No fertility drugs, etc. Their names are Craig, Tom and Doni. They are currently doing very well, married and live all around the country. They still look exactly alike. I (Craig) still get them mixed up. When born we did not know we were having triplets until the third, Doni, came out. Small hospital, they had to go across town to get a third incubator. They are very close, in fact all are getting together in Chicago in February to celebrate. Would like to send you a few pics and a few newspaper articles from when they were born. Nancy and I live in Huron, Ohio. It’s very challenging and costly – but you will get through it. I’m sure you have a god support network.

    Take care – if you want to contact us please do at:

    Craig and Nancy Bulea

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