Monday, September 21, 2015

Starting the Home Stretch (Pun Intended)

Another week, another milestone!  September 7th marked 29 weeks.  Well, the end of the week brought on another fire drill, but one with more reason for concern.  We don't want to give out all of the details, but I showed some signs of pre-eclampsia, most notably higher blood pressure on Sunday evening.  Thankfully, the boys and my body were fine since there were a few factors that would have made things difficult to say the least.  First, our doctor was out of the country on vacation. Although we understand why he doesn't inform his patients of vacation plans and the fact that he could still be contacted, it was an eye opener and our first, "Okay, what's plan B?" moment so far.  Well...shortly thereafter, we got to the "Okay, what's plan C?" moment when we found out the NICU at GBMC was "closed".  Yes, closed.  

Apparently the past few weeks have been extremely busy for them.  Add in the fact that they have such a great NICU that specializes in high risk births, we can see why there was no "vacancy". All night, the staff at L&D took great care of us and after five hours at the hospital, we got home (Buckeye game day!)  Phew, another false alarm, but we were glad that everything checked out for me and the babies.   

30 Weeks
September 14th marked 30 weeks!!!  We are officially in the home stretch, seriously... Between the body aches and swelling, I don't spend much time on my feet and/or moving around much.  As for size, I'm essentially measuring 50 weeks if this was a singleton pregnancy.  Tom is even trying to lose five pounds so we can weight the same, but I'm pretty sure he's kidding!  

As for the doctor's visit, we were told the babies weights and Baby A was 3lbs-5oz, Baby B was 3lbs-3oz, and Baby C was 2lbs-15oz.  The babies were moving all over the place, jockeying for positioning or simply roughhousing with each other.  We don't blame them, I'd get bored cramped in a small space too!  Anyway, it is normal for triplets to vary in size at birth, but due to the metric used to determine proper date/weight and the percentile ranking, our doctor has increased the frequency of office visits and testing so that the doctor can check on all three babies much more frequently.  I'll now be going to the doctor and receive various tests twice a week.  

We had to modify the Cesarean date and our new "birthday" is October 13th; however, Tom thinks it will happen earlier in October, say the 7th.  That just so happens to be the Rangers season opener at Chicago.  Maybe someone will score a hat trick on opening night...?  

At my first bi-weekly appointment, all the babies scored 8 out of 8 for their BPP (Bio Physical Profile). They also performed well for their NST (Non-Stress Test). When we returned to my doctors office to drop off the results, they had me do a quick urine test to check my protein levels because of my swelling. This test came back with higher levels, so they checked my blood pressure. Both were high which resulted in my admittance into Labor & Delivery for the weekend for observation. That didn't stop Tom and I from watching the Buckeyes game from the hospital!  Now we just have to wait until Monday (September 21) in order to see what the doctor's long term plan is for me and the triplets...

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